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The Golden Book 

     Please sign on my Golden Book and your comments will be very appreciated as it is a kind of support for my work... Really thank you for the ones who already signed it 

                   (send me a message on my email box ;-)  




- C'est tellement bon de vous voir de retour, cher Laurent ! (Doux Enfer - France)
-  Now that is awesome! (AC Femdom USA - Publisher) 

    - Absolutely lovely! (Doreen mackintosh - USA) 

   -  Fabulous artwork!Pure bliss ;)  (Switzer - Swittzerland) 

   - What this drawing shows to me is how a sissy is always supposed to bend over fully every time   they need to do any bending over in order to give the bestest pantyshow! I love it :-)
Luvs-n-Spanks, (Candy - USA) 

- love the attention to detail (Adam & Paula - USA) 

- I find this fantastic (Goddess of Pain - USA) 

- On our left that is: A plane and the yellow double towers, with an angel figure. Very prophetic indeed given the 9/11 events. Your art work is simply amazing. This is so colourful and magnificent. (Mr Corbeau - Canada) 

- Great artworks, laurent! (Anthanore - USA) 

- Le nouveau David ? (Laika Shezenko - Belgium) 

- I've had the pleasure of admiring your art on the La D dungeon walls, (Madam Sabine - USA)


- It was a likewise pleasure to meet you as well, Laurent. I enjoy your art very much and the La Domaine piece you made of the characters is so great! It looks like an art film avertisement :) (Ms Dia Dynasty USA)


- Love you drawings !! (Jon Manchester - United Kingdom)

- This is amazing , really great artwork . You are an AMAZING artist !! (Sharlack - United Kingdom) 

- You are oh so talented ( Ms Marianne - USA) 

- I was just looking at the artwork on your profile. they are very nice,  you capture my fantasies very well. (Kandu - Osaka Japan)

- I just watched a couple of your youtube vids. your work is very charming and beautiful! (Steve - USA) 

- Fantastic art! congratulations!!! (Sadek - Puerto Rico) 

- I enjoy your drawings very much and wanted to say how much I appreciate your sharing them on FetLife. (James - Hereford - United Kindom)

- Everything in its purrrrrfect place....FAB ....thanks for sharing your art! (Bishop to Queens -New Zealand) 

- Nice drawings you're making ( Aunt Harriet - USA) 

- C'est très fort et beau à la fois.... (SevDouce - France) 

-An amazing portrait Laurent! So lovely. (TW Waterfall - USA) 

- Very interesting perspective. I like the deliberate positioning. Beautiful detail. (lady Esse - USA) 

- I wish I would have heard of your art show sooner! I was in the city and would have come!!!
 ( Anthelian - Boston USA)

-Wow your art is GREAT! I am an artist too if you want to check some of my stuff out its on my profile page! (MsDaddy - USA)

-Love the art on your page. Is it your Sir? Breath Taking. Captain (Manchester United Kingdom)

-Good to see your powerful playful art. Great line and juxtapositions. (Paedra - Vermont USA)

-  Your femdom works are well known and exquisite, i've been a fan for years. little gurl training... you design our lifestyle. deep curtseys from tillie (Tillie USA).

- Congratulations on your completed work! I wrote poetry, short stories, and even a play. (Do- USA)

- I'm a big fan of your art and thought I'd let you know that. (Rand - USA) 

- You make very good art! (Ms Eve Tokyo Japan)

- Superbes dessins !J'adore ! J'aimerais bien avoir votre talent de dessinateur pour concrétiser tous les fantasmes qui me passent par la tête... (Benedicte - France) 

- I love your work, you should draw me ;) x (Ms Rosa Mueller - United Kingdom) 

- Bravo pour ton livre "Slave Views" Tu as très bien saisi l'instant mental , le jouissif , la perversité honnête..Celle de l'emoi , cette mort si vivante surtout la femme dans toute sa splendeur dans son etirement infini ..Ce noir si spacieux ! (frank & Cherie - France) 

- Fascinating work !!! I've seen your blog :) (Miss K - Philippines) 

- I looked at your drawings. Wonderful! Tell me details, please!!! (Doug - USA) 

-  "Ewoke emotion! Humiliate Men with the sublime power Women"
Ms Julia (New York) 

- " I like the paintings, in particulary Humiliation , Japense Red Flower and Power of Sunrise"
Ms Dora (New York) 

- "To Laurent Lebeau, this true artist of sexual and erotic artwork who really knows just how to get our pulses racing and heart beating faster with his rippling hot artworks, but then I would expect NO less from a Frenchman, Would you?"
Master Greg Martin (New York)

- "We will continue our discussion, you have do a beautiful Gift"
Ms Lissette (New York) 

- "One pervert to another... Pants on! We will stay in touch!"
Tom from DEMASK (New York) 

- "Very beautiful pictures for all over the World"
Ms Patricia Fischer (Germany)

- "Great stuff!!! Love the briks!!!"
Brend Sullivan (New York) 

- "I love your use of colour red and black, I particulary enjoy your sketching works! It's beautiful... Lot of luck Laurent !"
Ms Avalon (New York) 

- "My favorite artist, so modest, so simple, so humble"
Ms Laura Gar (France) 

- " For this afternoon meeting! For him who knows to express by the way of his artworks, the art of my passion and from other. The Domination! For him who makes dream people, for a reasson and other, cannot live this passion. I dedicate some lines wqith all my friendship!"
Ms Amanda (France) 

- "Your work is so beautiful, but try oil painting!"
Ms Helga Vany (Brazil) 

- " Many people contact me to tell your art is wonderfull and I really love it! 
Madam Ina (Czeck Rep.)

- People I know in NY, talk very good about you!"
Baroness (New York)

- "I love your artworks... Congratulation! OWK!"
Q. Patricia de Guilford (Czeck Rep.)

- "I love your artworks..."
Ms Christine ( Czeck Rep.) 

- " Loved it all!!! Good Luck 
Rich (New York)
- " Your art is similar of Stanton, that is the reason I love it"
Ho Redweick (Los Angeles) 

- " Great to meet you, Laurent. You are wonderful artist and I really enjoyed seeing your art...The colors, the graphics job. Plus I loved that black background. I really loved all! Well done! Best wishes "
Kent ( New York)

- "I loved your work. It was so complex and you have a great technique"
Graig (New York) 

- " I like the work a lot. The Four Jacks and the Four Queens, the four are crosses and it is particulary interesting!"
Manfred (New York) 

- "Beautiful art! Great, special technique. It was great to meet you 
Kit and Stefen (New York) 

- " I dedicate those few words to someone who has great talents!"
Your friend Steve (Belgium) 

- " You are so talented, Lolo, I really enjoy your art..." 
Helen Tong (New York) 

- " The Four Queens is a wonderful artwork.."

Ms Vixen (England) 

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