Event Calendar
Femdom Ball 2022
London October 1st 2022

I am one of the official sponsor of that awesome, gorgeous worlwide gala event who meets several V.I.P guests every year in
Central London. In fact, I do not display my art but I make donation of a paire of my original artworks for the charity raffle where the money goes for a caritative organizations and good causes. I always love to be there with some of my closest friends. Participation to this event is very selective.
More info on my other website
Art Exhibition - Malaga
September 16,17 & 18th

I will display my art some of my largest artworks during the event in Spain Malaga "The Queens Jubilee . I will be in double artist show with Botan Ayame. I know that club since its begining at the inauguration. It will be set in a private BDSM Villa near Malaga and you must book your participation
Art Exhibition - Paris
November 5th 2022

Don't miss that awesome event with an international vocation! Pure meeting with the Gynarchic World. Like all Night of the Queens, I will diplay my art and the one of
Botan Ayame from Osaka!!! You must participate to the event!

I will exhibit my art on that famous two floor club BarBar where i brought my touch on it's decoration with my artwork. My first time I will display my work in the City of Angels where I nevertheless lived for almost 4 years.
This artshow will be set for 6 weeks and I could have the
company of my artist friend Botan Ayame. exact date and
more information coming soon...