Laurent LEBEAU is born in December 1965 at Bagnols Sur Cèze (South France) and he found his vocation for an artistic career since his childwood.
Beeing something anticonformist, he started his career in 1991 thanks the General erotic publication "Defi" in France. He shortly worked for the publicity department and illustrated few advertizings.
Laurent really became free lancer artist current 1993 when he contributed with Muire Reform Academy publications based in Hereford England. He created many black and white illustrations and comics which met a nice little success.
He left the European continent for his very first time in 1993 when the well renamed fetish fashion designer Versatile Fashion invited him to go in California. Laurent was a part as stylist by created many fetish outfits and implements designs.
Little by little, the artist acquiered many other free lance agreements with several Magazines. It is not surprising to have seen some of his work on U.S paper publications as the newspaper EIDOS, or again Bizarre... Of course, he kept free lancing for European Magazines as Wanda (France) Club Doma (Holland) Dressing for pleasure (England) and many more.
He definitively moved in Los Angeles in 1995 where he used to live and free lance for the magazine "Behind the Scene" by Jennifer Brooks.
Laurent started to exhibit his incredible decorative art in 1992 in Southampton (England) during Club Sofia's events, and he was invited to exhibit in the infamous Club Doma in The Hague (Hollande).
Laurent began to meet the success in Belgium where he displayed his
work on several big Erotic festivals. He also went in Dortmund and
Stuttgart specific clubs where he shown his work to our German Fetish
He went to the well renamed OWK in Czeck Republic and he exhibited 7
times there. He spent a major of his time to portrait Many lady guests.
Laurent conciderably met a nice success once New York City communauty
opened its doors. The first art exhibition was given in 2000
at the regretted "La Nouvelle Justine" then the infamous "Paddles Club".
After 2000. The artist mostly exhibited in Manhattan and Los Angeles.
We cannot forget to mention the art exhibition offered at Purple Passion
gallery in 2005...
Along his career. Laurent has traveled a lot in Europe, the U.S and Japan. He was Lucky to meet really well known people in the said scene. He has worked first with the fetish Goddess writer Claudia Varrin for the illustration of two books. He created a large artwork for OWK Queen Patricia, illustrated one book of the writer DJ-King and he became friend with the well renamed Fetish fashion designer Baroness from N.Y.C
Laurent can be proud to have met such wonderful Dommes as Ms Shane, Isabella Sinclaire, the infamous Stéphanie Locke or again Master R from La Domaine Esemar (NYC Upstate) where few of his artworks are permanently exhibited. He acquired many fans around the World.
Each meeting was a fulfilling moment we cannot forget in all a career!
On behalf his artistic duties, Laurent also provided many events between New York and France since 1997. He is the founder of the said "Night of the Queens" where he also display his art and the ones from his other artist closest friends as Botan Ayame or again Valerian de Thorianie. That event meets guests from many European countries and the U.S. The last one in Paris earned a good reputation for its quality. He is also the official sponsor of the infamous gala event "Femdom Ball" in London.
Of course, it is difficult to live with his art. Laurent mostly work on illustrations (conventional or not) for writers, publishers. He also self publish comic or full illustrated stories. Of course he has made portraiture of several dommes in Europe and the U.S.
As you can see, Laurent Lebeau is very active in the said "Scene"...